Students  Development

One of important plans of faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, is to develop student potentials. The students will be enabled to be brilliant, virtuous and happy.  In this regard, the associate dean and the assistant dean on students affair are in chart of this plan and chair a committee. The committees consist of 2 academic staff from each department and 2 personnel staff.

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The primary responsibility of the Division of Students Development is the welfare of all nursing students enrolled at Faculty of Nursing , Mahidol University.

The objectives of the Division is to encourage nursing students development in physical , emotional , social , academic and career goals. Further more, we aim to enhance students’ quality of life while preparing them to live happily in today’ world. The students would gain experience from working as a team, while practicing leadership skills.


Student development plan

  • Student disciplines
  • Academic Students’ Advisors and Student Counseling Service Center
  • Student’s welfare and the quality of life
  • The virtue, the morality and the medical ethics
  • Academic affair
  • Leadership
  • Social skill and Personality development project
  • The quality of life






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