คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล


รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. ศิริอร สินธุ

โทรศัพท์ : (662) 419 7468-80 ต่อ 1759, 1760
โทรสาร : (662) 412 8415
E-Mail: siriorn.sin@mahidol.ac.th


  • D.N.Sc. 
  • Certificate in Adult Surgical Nursing 
  • M.S.(Adult Nursing) 
  • B.Ed. 
  • Certificate in Midwifery 
  • Diploma (Nursing)


  • Women's Health and rights Health system research


  • 2007 the UCSF Nursing Centennial "Wall of Fame" as one of the 100 outstanding alumni and faculty making significant contributions to the nursing profession and/or health care


  1. Sindhu, S., Pholpet, C., Puttapitukpol,  S. (2010). Meeting the challenges of chronic illness: A nurse-led collaborative community care program in Thailand. Collegian 17, 93-99.
  2. Sindhu, S., Kamlungdee, U. Konggumnerd, R. & Suwanno, J. Factors Associated with Lung Function among People Dwelling in Communities with Smoke exposure. Chulalongkorn Nursing Journal.  IN PRESS
  3. Sindhu, S., Nakorn, O., Utriyaprasit, K. Factors associated with recovery of diabetic ischemic heart patients following coronary artery bypass grafting.  Journal of Military Nurse IN PRESS
  4. Kongmut, P. Sindhu, S. Ratinthorn, A. Ieumwananonthachai, N. (2010). Characteristics and Factors Influencing Sexual Dysfunction in Women after Treatment for Cervical Cancer. Journal of Nursing Science, 28 (1), Jan-Mar.
  5. Hengsuwan, P., Utriyaprasit, K.,Sindhu, S., & Laksanabunsong, P. (2010).  Factors associated with postoperative length of hospital stay in coronary artery bypass graft patients. Journal of Nursing Science, 28 (1), Jan-Mar.
  6. Chaichana,Y., Sindhu, S., Chayaput,  P., Songcharoen, P.  (2009). “Predicting Factors to Quality of Life of Patients with  Brachial Plexus Injury Post  Reconstructive Surgery” Siriraj Medical Journal (supplement 1), 61(suppl1), May-June, 43-46.
  7. Porntip, S., Utriyaprasit, K., Sindhu, S., & Songcharoen, P. (2009). Pain and Pain management strategies in patients with Brachial plexus injury post-reconstructive surgery. Siriraj Medical Journal (supplement 1), 61(suppl1), May-June, 47-52.
  8. Anureung, S,  Sindhu, S., Wanichkul, N. Sriyuktsut, O. (2009). The Effect of Empowerment program on Health Status and Satisfaction in Women with Hypertension. The Thai Journal of Nursing Council. 24(1): 11-23.
  9. Ratinthorn, A., Meleis, A.,Sindhu, S. (2009). Trapped in Circle of Threats: Violence Against Sex Workers. Health care for Women International. 30: 249-269.
  10. Jampat, L., Sindhu, S., Suwano, J., & Junlapia, P. (2008). The effect of Nutrition on Health Status of Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Thai Journal of Nursing Research, 23(2), 38-51.
  11. Noonill, N., Sindhu, S., Hanucharurnkul, S., & Suwonnaroop, N. (2007)." An Integrated Approach to Coordination of Community Resources to Improves health Outcomes and Satisfaction in Care of Thai patients with COPD". Thai Journal of Nursing Research, 11(2), 118-131.
  12. Sindhu, S., Suttipong, C., & Rathinthorn, A. (2007). Nursing Therapeutics for Research Application of Transition Theory.  Proceeding International Annual Conference, Chungnam National University.  Daejeon, South Korea PP. 63-79.
  13. Suttipong, C., Sindhu, S., Utriyaprasit, K., Saneha, J., & Nilanont, Y. (2006). Factors Associated with Severity of Pressor Ulcers in Patients with Stoke. The Thai Journal of Nursing Council, 21(4), 56-67.
  14. Wannapornsiri, C., & Sindhu, S. (2005). Caring Process of Thai Women with Breast Cancer.  The Thai Nursing Research Journal, 9(2), 48-60.
  15. Duangkamol Wattradul & Siriorn Sindhu (2004) Improving health care for HIV /AIDS in Thailand: learning from those who suffer. Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research to Policy, Worl Health Organization
  16. Sindhu, S. (2004). Patients’ Satisfaction on Health care Service provided by Nurse Practitioners. The Thai Journal of Nursing Council, 20(1), 8-19.


  1. Sindhu, S. (2000). Critical problem analysis and nursing therapeutic development in critical care  unit. In  C.Khanakool, et.al. (Eds.), Critical Care in Intensive Care Unit: Therapeutic and Treatment. (pp. 9-23). Bangkok: Siriyod.
  2. Sindhu, S. (1999).Women with Chronic Illness. In P.Boonmongkol, et.al. (Eds.), Restructuring Concept of Women and Health. (pp. 365-416). Bangkok: Gender Press.
  3. Sindhu, S. (2003). Nursing Research utilization. In  W.Aeimsawatdikul (Ed), Nursing Informatics and research, unit 14, (pp. 170-226). Nonthaburi: Sukhothaithammatiraj University.


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