Annual Activities

The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing Mahidol University joined the virtual seminar “Thailand Quality Award 2020 Winner Conference - Journeys to the Pride of World-Class Excellence”

On August 19, 2021, Associate Professor Dr. Yajai Sitthimongkol, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing Mahidol University, joined the virtual seminar “Thailand Quality Award 2020 Winner Conference - Journeys to the Pride of World-Class Excellence”, which was organized by Thailand Productivity Institute between August 18 – 20, 2021, as a speaker with the topic “Listening to Customers for Process Improvement towards Excellence” to share practical ways to lead the organization to excellence owing to the opportunity that the faculty received the Thailand Quality Class award in 2020. There were more than 250 executives from public and private organizations participated in the webinar. Dr. Yajai mentioned that “All students, registered nurses, and research funders are the important customers. There is a procedure to listen to the voices of current, past, and future customers, to analyze and review them in order to improve and design courses, research, academic services to meet the needs and expectations of all groups of customers. Besides, the Faculty also instills NSMAHIDOL corporate values to customers, especially in the spirit of giving, while developing innovations or new programs to meet the customers’ needs; as well as, raising the image of the Faculty to be more international as being a leading institution at both national and international levels.” The aim was to promote the method of excellent management according to the criteria of the National Quality Award and also raise awareness among other organizations about the benefits of applying the National Quality Award Criteria Guidelines.